Small Business Tips – Shift Credit Card Processing

Category Archives for Small Business Tips

12 Methods of Cutting Costs for Business That Save Jobs

Big business is known for being ruthless when it comes to cutting costs. There’s usually barely a discussion before making the decision to lay off employees in droves to save a business that is

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Cost Reduction Strategies for the Thrifty Business Owner

You are not alone if you’re looking for business expense cost reduction strategies. Any business that’s been at it for more than a year is sure to have areas that are ripe for cost-saving strategies.

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Business Money Saving Tips: 9 Ways to Increase Your Bottom Line

Business money saving tips are amazing, even when you aren’t in financial straights. Businesses of all types and size can use these money saving tips for business with better bottom lines. (and

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The Cheapest Small Business Credit Card Processing Known To Man

Have you asked yourself, what is the cheapest credit card processing for small business? If you have, you probably feel like you’ve been paying too much in processing fees, and you’re not

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How To Find A Great Credit Card Processing Small Business

When it comes to protecting your small business, there’s nobody more passionate about it than you. You’re the one spending sleepless nights worrying about inventory. You fret over how the bills

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Free Credit Card Processing for Small Business – Shift Processing

It’s no secret that it costs a great deal of money for the ability to offer credit card processing for small business. As a part of every payment your business processes, a percentage of that sale

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No Cost Credit Card Processing for Small Business

There are countless merchant account providers out there. Most of them, however, have their own best interests in mind and only want to use their customers for money. They’ll look at anything they

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