No Cost Credit Card Processing for Small Business – Shift Credit Card Processing

No Cost Credit Card Processing for Small Business

There are countless merchant account providers out there. Most of them, however, have their own best interests in mind and only want to use their customers for money.

They’ll look at anything they can to jack your rates up. Things like bad credit score and business loans could have an impact on how much they decide to charge you per credit card transaction.

Some card processors can even get charged PCI compliance fees and then pass those onto their customers.

So, are you tired of paying credit card processors fees for the ability to accept credit and debit cards for your business?

If you want your business to accept credit cards, it can be confusing to find a credit card processor that will meet your needs.

Do you settle for a bigger processor that has pricey monthly minimums to meet, or do you find a smaller one that can give you the cheapest credit card processing?

Regardless of the decision that you make, your top pick in credit card processing should have your needs put first.

Are the credit card transaction fees credit cards charge taking a bite out of your bottom line?

What if there was a way your business could have a no cost credit card processing program? Sound too good to be true?

Many small businesses add a “convenience fee” to their invoices. Customers who desire to pay by credit card allow the fee.

The use of a convenience fee encourages customers to find another payment method to avoid the 3% convenience fee.

A payment processor that offers an interchange plus pricing structure will charge a mark up fee in addition to the standard interchange fee.

Many customers choose to pay by a credit card to get points or airline miles. To get the points, they will accept the convenience fee and your bottom line is unaffected.

Major card brands like Visa and American Express offer high rewards, many of which get even bigger with card types like business credit cards, that will not be paid by those companies, but by the business owner that is making the transaction.

It is quite common to see a convenience fee in larger credit card and debit card transactions with higher ticket prices. Did you know that businesses with smaller transactions can use the same method? It’s possible to get no cost processing for smaller businesses.

The most common question we get with this new card payment processing method is, “Is this allowed and legal?” Yes! The convenience fee is allowed and legal. Here at Shift Processing, we have made it easy.

Zero cost credit card processing transfers the common processing fee to the customer, rather than the business owner. That zero fee promise is kept regardless of if it is a cardpresent transaction or not.

We have introduced a new technology that will automatically add a convenience fee to the transaction. The customer will be prompted to accept the fee at the point of sale.  So, how does it work exactly?

Here is “The Rule.” – If you add a convenience fee, you cannot add more than you are paying in merchant fees.


Let’s look at a few examples here.

No Cost Credit Card Processing Example #1: Convenience store


The customer comes up to the counter and you ring up their purchase. The total comes to $6.37. The customer pays with a credit card, and is asked if they accept the 4% convenience fee.

The receipt will show the $6.37 plus the disclaimer showing that a $.49 convenience fee was added. The actual processing cost for the customer is $6.86 for this transaction.

The $.49 from the sale now pays for the credit card surcharges and fees on that particular credit card purchase. The result is no cost credit card processing for the business.

Before, when this merchant looked at his monthly credit card statement, he saw $1,600 in credit card fees. With the new Shift Processing solution, the convenience fees paid for processing. $1,600 in fees were paid by convenience fee, and the business received no cost credit card processing.

Not only will the Shift Processing system work at a retail store through a retail POS system, but it will also work in many other business types. Other types of businesses will find success with a retail POS system.

The convenience store owner will not lose any extra features either. They still have additional options like mobile processing, which has the capability to accept mobile credit card purchases.

Mobile card processing is useful for businesses that are either frequently on the go, or do smaller processing volumes.

Your credit card processing company should also be able to accept online payment solutions made through a virtual terminal or alternate payment gateway.

All credit card processing companies have POS systems that contain card readers at the bare minimum. However, with Shift, you can get the system for free.

No Cost Credit Card Processing Example #2: Law Firm


A customer swipes a card for $1,000 worth of legal work. The POS system automatically adds a pre-calculated percentage as a convenience fee. Let’s use 4% for this example.

At the point of sale, the credit card terminals will ask the customer to accept the 4% convenience fee. When the slip prints out, it will show the convenience fee and a disclaimer. The total cost to the customer is $1,040 for the transaction.

The law firm now has $40 that they are able to use to pay for the credit card processing fees associated with the transaction. Credit card processing rates for the business is now $0.00 per month.

The law firm gains back any percentage they had been paying for merchant processing. The result is no cost credit card processing for the business.

A national processing company may have a stronger reputation, but they’ll also have monthly fees and annual fees that will largely depend on a confusing pricing model based on processing volume.

How would another 3 – 4% added back to your profit column affect your bottom line? Zero fee credit card processing will help you save money, and it is possible through a cash discounting program with Shift Credit Card Processing.


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